Fourth edition

Date Time Topic Content Location Lecturer(s)
03-02-2023 9-17h Introduction + Machine Learning 1 How is AI changing healthcare? How to run an AI project? Follow the CRIPS-DM model
for data science projects and start with understanding your data
George Padberg, route 924 Joran Lokkerbol
10-02-2023 13:30-17h Machine Learning 1 Machine learning in Python George Padberg, route 924 Joran Lokkerbol
17-02-2023 9-17h Machine Learning 2 Learn the basic principles of machine Learning and
how to measure the Performance of machine learning models
George Padberg, route 924 Joran Lokkerbol
03-03-2023 9-17h Machine Learning 3 A start is made to cover the most important supervised
machine learning algorithms and you will learn how to prepare your data
George Padberg, route 924 Joran Lokkerbol
17-03-2023 9-17h Machine Learning 4 You will learn about unsupervised machine learning models
for data without any labels and learn how to Evaluate your models
George Padberg, route 924 Joran Lokkerbol
24-03-2023 9-17h Deep Learning 1 Understand how convolutional neural networks can be used
for medical image analysis
George Padberg, route 924 Bram van Ginneken
31-03-2023 9-17h Deep Learning 2 Learn how to combine text, images and biomedical data for
better deep learning models
George Padberg, route 924 Bram van Ginneken
14-04-2023 9-17h Project Day 1 Defining project goals and understanding your data George Padberg, route 924 -----
21-04-2023 9-17h Data Engineering / AI Products The FAIR principles of data management
are covered and learn how to choose a suitable AI producte
George Padberg, route 924 RTC Data Stewardship, Kicky van Leeuwen
28-04-2023 9-17h Project Day 2 Data preparation and model development George Padberg, route 924 -----
12-05-2023 9-17h Text Mining & Bioinformatics Learn how to get valuable insights from medical records
and about AI applications in genetics
George Padberg, route 924 RTC Bioinformatics, Djoerd Hiemstra, Koen Dercksen
26-05-2023 9-17h Project Day 3 Model optimization George Padberg, route 924 -----
02-06-2023 9-17h Ethics & Privacy / Deployment Ethical and privacy concerns regarding the use of AI are discussed and learn how to deploy your own AI product in practice George Padberg, route 924 Marianne Boenink, Leon Haszing, Bram van Ginneken, Erik Gelderblom, Mark van Grinsven
09-06-2023 9-17h Project Day 4 Evaluating model performance and result visualisation George Padberg, route 924 Lonneke Opsteegh
16-06-2023 9-17h Project Day 5 Evaluating model performance George Padberg, route 924 -----
23-06-2023 9-13h Final Presentations Project groups will present their final results George Padberg, route 924 -----

An overview of the short track schedule of the current edition can be seen below.

Date Time Topic Content Location
03-02-2023 9-17h Introduction + Machine Learning 1 How is AI changing healthcare? How to run an AI project? Follow the CRIPS-DM model
for data science projects and start with understanding your data
George Padberg, route 924
17-02-2023 9-13h Machine Learning 2 Learn the basic principles of machine learning and
how to measure the Performance of machine learning models
George Padberg, route 924
24-03-2023 9-13h Deep Learning 1 Understand how convolutional neural networks can be used
for medical image analysis
George Padberg, route 924
31-03-2023 9-13h Deep Learning 2 Learn how to combine text, images and niomedical data for
better deep learning models
George Padberg, route 924
14-04-2023 9-17h Project Day 1 Defining project goals and understanding your data George Padberg, route 924
21-04-2023 13-17h AI products Learn how to choose a suitable AI product George Padberg, route 924
28-04-2023 9-17h Project Day 2 Data preparation and model development George Padberg, route 924
12-05-2023 9-13h Text Miniing and Bioinformatics Learn how to get valuable insights from medical records
and about AI applications in genetics
George Padberg, route 924
26-05-2023 9-17h Project Day 3 Model optimization George Padberg, route 924
02-06-2023 9-13h Ethics & Privacy Ethical and privacy concerns regarding the use of AI are discussed George Padberg, route 924
09-06-2023 9-17h Project Day 4 Evaluating model performance and result visualisation George Padberg, route 924
16-06-2023 9-17h Project Day 5 Evaluating model performance George Padberg, route 924
23-06-2023 9-13h Final Presentations Project groups will present their final results George Padberg, route 924